Tuesday, March 24, 2015

test tiles and slip test

once the large test panel was completed we had to get someone in to slip test the surface.

since the final artwork will be set into the floor of a public space, it needs to meet safety standards for slip rating.

we contacted a local company that performs the slip test. a woman came and set up a swinging foot contraption on our test panel and conducted the test.

She had to perform the test on various sections of the panel to get an accurate rating.

the swinging foot is pulled back and then released to slip on the surface. where it stops is measured and the average of these tests gives us our rating.

lucky for us we were given the rating we needed easily, in fact we are one level better than we needed. yay!

in making the test panel, we saw some sections that we really liked. they were unexpected fuzzy areas where 2 colours that were cast together on the same day made some beautiful blurry lines.

we wanted to try an recreate this effect in a cloud image. and so we set about making 2 smaller test pavers.

here i am tapping the surface of the wet concrete, to get the air out

three different panels, and three different approaches to making the fuzzy cloud image.

everyone had an opinion on what would work, and even charlie couldn't help getting involved in the tests.

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