lately i have been spending my time hanging out with this cute little puppy! to me he is huge now, but really he is not. but he has grown so much. this is where he is right now as i type this entry. cute.
ok, enough about otto - for now.
at the studio i am trying to start the next piece. i am doing this in a kind of different way. usually i have an idea and then i make the glass to fit he idea. but in this case i have the glass already made and flattened (it was given to me, lucky me)
the colour - red over white, is quite nice, and i now just need to think about what to do with it. part of me was thinking a more formal piece with just red rectangular tiles lined up in a grid, a kind of a minimal study on red. but i was wondering what red makes you think of. are there any images that you can think would suit red? like autumn leaves for example?
any feedback or input would be great. otto and i thank you.
Autumn leaves would be perfect! Suit the nature theme you already have going on.
Also, more Otto please, never too much :)
Autumn leaves is good, but the first thing that popped into my mind was vampire blood...weird!!!
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