Saturday, February 5, 2011

big shopping day for art making

one of the things i have done in the past with my art work is used found rear view car mirrors. i arrange the mirrors in a grouping and then etch an image over the surface.

for my exhibition in march i proposed that i would do something similar again, only this time i wanted to use large side view mirrors from the road trains that transport food all around the country.

i thought that this piece could deal with the issue of food miles. i went to an truck wreckers to see if i could find second hand parts, but it appears that unlike cars mirrors are often only replaced if the mirror is actually broken, so i was unable to find any second hand one.

i also found out that they have stopped making the metal backed mirrors, due to some changes in legislation, so they chrome backed ones are pretty much impossible to get. these black plastic ones are what will eventually replace all the chrome ones.

this meant that i had to settle for some new out of the box mirrors. (the boxes will be handy for when i need to ship the work) i purchased 20 of them to use in the show. i need to make the metal armature that they will be displayed on, and sort out what the layout and images will be, but by purchasing these all the other day it means that the main component for this piece is done. i was helped by a very friendly person and got a discount for buying so many at once, he said he has never sold 20 mirrors all at once.

so this tower of boxed mirrors is the start of the next piece for the show.


Julie said...

this sounds interesting...will be watching to see what developes!!!

Anonymous said...

we love the boxes!
and are looking forward to seeing the images :)