Sunday, November 21, 2010

i sill have lots to do

i have a photography deadline looming, and the goal is to get this piece done by the end of next week. i still have lots to do.

this is all 36 tile cold worked and ready for the images. there are a few test tiles above the grid as well. i have finally gotten the image i want to use into the right format. when i say i, i actually mean my brother who is a computer wiz that is helping me get some of my images ready.

this is a tile with the sandblasting resist on it ready to be etched.

this is the same tile after being sandblasted. the blue resist is still on it, it just needs to be scrubbed off.

these are the first 2 finished tiles of this piece. only 34 more to go.

luckily for photography i don't need to have the wall mounted installation part done, it will be photographed flat, but from above so it looks like it is on a wall. i can worry about that part later. so this week i need to make 34 more stencils and sandblast 34 more tiles.

this piece will also get another larger image across the top of the tiles, and i need to resolve how to do this. in my mind it works perfectly, but real life is never as easy as i imagine it.

its going to be a busy week, we will see how i go.


Julie said...

On first glance, I thought the green tiles were jello squares! LOL.

Best wishes with your project. I know you will find a way to make it all work out just the way you imagine!!!

Monica Robinson said...

Wow, they look amazing so far. Looking forward to seeing the final product :)

M x