Wednesday, October 13, 2010

spring garden update

the weather on the weekend was really lovely, the first time i really noticed it was spring time here. i got a heap of work done in the garden.

this is my garlic and onions in the bottom right hand corner of the image, i have planted tomato and cucumber all around my lime tree in the freshly weeded dirt area.

i got a new bamboo trellis for my passion fruit vine to climb on in the back and the flowers in the foreground are my calendula flowers that just haven't stopped blooming for months now. they have been beautiful in the garden all winter.

in this corner we have the kale growing in the back corner along with some spinach and lettuce and parsley. i have also planted some zucchini and tomatoes in amongst all these as well.

a few herbs potted up and a plant from boris' mom in the pot on the ground.

and finally my bay tree, a pot of pumpkin vines (will pumpkin grow from a pot? we will see), some daisy flowers and a pot of strawberry plants, no berries yet.

now i just hope my seedlings really take root and in a couple months i will be rich in tomatoes, and cucumbers, then i will know i am a success.


Julie said...

Oh, you have such a wonderful gardening area! I think you should be able to grow a pumpkin out of a is still soil, after all. Hey, I am rooting for the little pumpkins!!! You will have to show us a pic when you get them! I love all your trellis for vines, etc. Boris' Mom sounds so nice to share with you, eh??? :)

rah! said...

wow it's really changed a lot, like a whole brand new garden again!