Saturday, June 26, 2010

local fruit and veg box

while i do have my veggie garden borris and i often end up buying lots of fruit and veg each week at the markets. i recently was told about this cool thing called Food Connect.

Food Connect
is a socially and environmentally progressive organisation dedicated to connecting consumers with local farmers through the mechanism of a fairer and fresher approach to food production and delivery. They are actively working on practical solutions to overcome serious problems in the current mainstream food distribution networks.

so we signed up for it. now once a fortnight we go to a local pick up spot and collect our box of as local as possible seasonal organic fruit and veg. you can select the size of box you want to get and how often you collect it. we decided to get our small box once a fortnight because we figure that then we can still buy things to compliment the produce we get to make yummy recipes.

this is what we got in our first box. i think borris was a little bit underwhelmed that it wasn't overflowing, but we need to keep in mind that this is not bulk food, it is organic, local, seasonal produce.

i think these services are a great way to learn more about our food, support local farmers and communities and remember that foods are seasonal so we can reconnect with our food in a healthier way.

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