Tuesday, June 29, 2010

C is for Cookie...

a friend of mine was telling me about these great cookies that she makes, a kind of gingerbread with chocolate chips in them. they sounded good to me and after getting the recipe from here i finally found the time to make them.

the best thing about these cookies is that you make the dough up then freeze or chill them before baking them. i even chilled them then rolled them into snakes, wrapped them up again and put them in the freezer to cut and bake later.

the result was some yummy cookies with ginger and chocolaty goodness and i can come home from work and make them after work straight from the freezer. i have never made this kind of cookie before, and its opened up a whole new world to me. i am making some now as i type.

i also made my old reliable and favorite cookies the same day, rolled oats, coconut, and dark chocolate chip cookies.

sadly all of these have already been polished off by myself and borris, looks like we are going to have to find ways to burn these extra yummy calories off quickly!


adam said...

Mmmmm.... I want to make some cookies now. Looks good!

Anonymous said...

yum yum! we need to do a recipe swap... or steal :) x dobbio

Julie said...

Oh my goodness..I have never seen gingerbread with chocolate....oh my goodness.........!!!

Little Bird, Big Chip said...

can i get in on the cookies recipe swap?