Saturday, November 28, 2009

garden of pots

seeing as i am going to be away for almost 7 weeks i decided not to renew my community garden spot. so reluctantly i pulled out what surviving plants were left and moved things to pots. a friend is going to be staying and watering things so hopefully if they survive the summer here and some things can then go back into my new garden that will be in my backyard.

in the meantime this is my new herb garden. some of these were already here but we have parsley (3 kinds), mint (2 kinds) and oregano. when i get back i would really like to plant some dill, sage, basil, and rosemary. rosemary is suppose to be easy to grow here but mine has always died.

and this is my new front yard garden of pots. the succulents were already there. they really like this position in the garden, it is sheltered from rain and gets enough sun so they thrive but don't burn. i also have garlic, 3 tomato plants, chives, strawberries, one brussel sprout plant with the smallest cutest brussel sprouts on it and some flowers. i hope it all survives until i get back home in 7 weeks time.

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