Sunday, September 20, 2009

my quilt - the end is in sight

about 3 weeks ago i dropped my quilt off to a machine quilter to get the quilting done. i did this because the size of my quilt is so big (king size) and i didn't want to ruin it with my own bad quilting after spending so much time and money on the top patchwork.

this is an image of the machine my quilt was done on. (this is not my quilt though)

i just got it back from the machine quilters the other day. and so now i am almost done.
i still need to do the edges with binding. this is what the edges look like after being quilted with a wool wadding in the middle.

this is the backing fabric quilted. Boris chose the pattern of the quilting. i was too overwhelmed by all the different pattern options and the ones i like would not suit this quilt according to the woman doing the machine quilting.

this is the top of the quilt with the quilting complete. i think it looks really great.

here is a detail so you can make out the pattern. i think Boris chose a good one it seems to match everything well and looks good.

i am happy with it so far, now if i can just get the trim done it should be all ready in time for the heat of the summer.

of course there is always next winter.


andi said...

sooo beautiful!! i love it. the one i'm making for grandpa n is not ready to be quilted yet. time flies.

Anonymous said...

perfect for adelaide summer!! hehehe. it's beautiful chris. boris did good with the pattern picking too :)

Lindsay said...

Nice! this is the kind i have in my head and slowly gathering some pieces. I think I'm going to stick to squares as it's less math for my little brain. Gord's mom does quilting all by hand, but I think I'm going to do what you did and get somebody to do the actual quilting part. it's beautiful!!