Thursday, September 24, 2009

new fabric

i went for a stroll in the neighbourhood the other day and stopped by one of my favorite fabric shops that happens to be around the corner from me. Catwalk Fabric (sorry they don't have a web site) it is always a dangerous thing to enter this place. usually i am safe for its limited hours of business, but i found myself inside the other day and as it was recently pay day i was able to give in and buy myself 2 metre of each of these fabrics.

they are both a japanese cotton, that have a bit of texture to them. the black and cream one will become a long dress/kind of shirt thing that my pal rosie has made for me. she made the pattern custom for me and it is one of the most comfortable things i have to wear. unfortunately i don't have an image of the finished one so you will have to wait for me to get this one made.

the red and cream one will become a short sleeve cowboy type shirt but i think i will leave off the collar and just put on the collar stand. funny i don't sew heaps but i really enjoy making a proper collar on a collar stand. i like how it all gets closed up into a neat little package.

my sewing space is just about to get all set up soon so then i can get straight into it and start making these things.


rah! said...

'long dress/kind of shit thing that my pal rosie has made for me. '

shit thing???
SHIT THING??!!!???

tom laughed so hard the computer nearly fell off his belly!

......and I thought you liked that dress :/

dark cloud said...

sorry i fixed that, spell check is not useful when the misspelt word is a different actual word.

of course i love it.