Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Access All Levels

back in july i blogged about a project deb and i were working on that involved large mirrors and looking through a new university building that was being built.

Last month we finally completed the installation and positioning of the large mirror artwork. it is called Access All Levels.

its a tricky artwork to document as it relies on mirrors and the space within the building itself. but here are the images.

above is the final view. what you are looking at is a mirror located in the main entrance on the building that you see on approaching the building. when you look into it you see the view out the top of the building back. this view is bouncing through the building and off of two other sets of mirrors. 

these are the second set of mirrors that the first small mirror reflects the view.

the above image has the back of the small mirror at the bottom of the image, the second set of mirrors at the top of the image and some people walking through the space to give you a sense of scale.

this is the third set of mirrors located in the middle of the building that bounce the view of the sky down to the second set of mirrors.

it was a big project to work on, and it took many people's efforts to make it happen. 

this is what the Flinders university wrote about the project:

"Responding to the architectural vision of Flinders at Tonsley, the artists revisit the basic principles of light, refraction and reflection through their site-specific installation Access All Levels. The work, inspired by the voids and expansive light wells that are a feature of the building, speaks directly to the architects guiding design principles – to capture connections, reveal the purpose and create a place you would rather be.

Large scale custom designed mirrors extend lines of sight, opening portals to unexpected vistas and offering viewers an uncanny experience of seeing through the building. Cleverly positioned reflective glass transports the unsuspecting from the ground floor to a view from the third floor, enabling them to look around corners and back to where they have come from."

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