Thursday, February 19, 2015

glass conference

a week ago today was the beginning of the ausglass conference. more info on the conference can be found here.


while the conference ran over 3.5 days the preparation has been going on for well over 1.5 years.  and more specifically for our studio that hosted the opening party the preparation has been going on for about 1.5 weeks.

 a couple of weekends ago we had a furniture making day at the studio, making seats and tables for the opening party and conference hub. 

we got a bunch of great stuff made, and had a good time making it.

deb and i hired a scissor lift to install some lights at the studio for the opening party.

 this is the lane way before,

here are the lights laid out, ready for install.

and after a few hours the lights installed. (i will post them in action at the party in the next post)

we had to clean up the inside of the studio as well.

so we hid most things in the middle room which would be blocked off for the party.

the yard of the studio set up with the furniture we made, and an area for the catering and bar.

the view from the back of the studio looking towards the street.

the side lane with screen ready for projections, and fake lawn for lounging.

this is the furniture we made being used at the HUB of the conference in town at Lion Arts Center near the JamFactory.

All the talks were aired live on a screen outside so you could sit in a bean bag and drink a beer while watching the talks. very civilized.

some photos from the party to follow.

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