Sunday, December 21, 2014

last job for the year

before we ended the year deb and i had one last job to complete. the large timbers we have been collecting that will eventually be part of a new park and play area near the beach. 

for this project we got to hire and use a chainsaw to carve in features into some of the logs

all in a days work at the studio.

the side lane of our studio looks like a timber yard, with the large bits of tree set up. we also decided to make a small structure with scaffolding and tarps, so we have a less windy/sunny area for painting.

some of the timber is old jarrah so we have to use respirators when we are sanding the timber back.

the last thing we needed to complete before the holidays was adding a few spots of paint to the play area timber and to cover the tops of the benches with the high gloss paint.

we have highlighted the chainsaw cut areas with some of the high gloss paint to make the forms more interesting and playful.

under the tarp everything seems blue, but actually we are painting the top of the benches 2 different colours of blue. they are going to be great next sitting next to the beach.

all the paint will have about a month to fully cure and be ready for installation at the end of january. a nice project to end the year with, simple, hands on and for a client that is really easy to work with.

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