Wednesday, August 29, 2012

the last few days have been busy

it has been rainy and cold here, but then the other day the sun came out and it felt like spring.  i made the most of this opportunity, and got out to do some gardening. 

this is a test to see how otto does in the garden. he has been digging way less, but still like to 
nibble on the chili plant.

i planted some spring onions, beetroot, lettuce, kale, spinach, and some herbs in the hanging garden on the fence, parsley, thyme, chives, and mint. at least the wall garden will be safe from otto.

in the studio i spent the better part of a day unpacking glass lenses from small boxes. a friend of mine was given these, as they were being thrown away a few years ago. she kept them thinking they could be used for something one day. i have a plan to make a new artwork using these lenses as tiles to create a wall piece. 
first task, unpack the lenses - done.

 and finally otto has had a hard week. yesterday he went in to get de-sexed, which is traumatic enough, but while there we also found out that he needed to have some puppy teeth that were not falling out on their own taken out, 7 in total! on top of that we also requested that while he was under that is inner ear canals be plucked clean of hair. (he gets very hairy ears and then 
ear infections if this is not done)


poor otto, sore bottom, sore mouth and sore ears, and then they made him look funny with this 
sparkly blue cone head! 

he is already acting lively again so i am sure it will not take too long for him to recover, and in ten days 
the cone will be gone.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Poor Otto! I hope you are feeling better too. Remember when Sal had to wear a cone? Poor cat was so funny to watch! Hope it's a speedy 10 days!