Thursday, July 21, 2011

paper plan and finished work

to make my new pieces for my show in august i first cut out a paper framework of the glass panels and then placed a print out of the image i wanted to use behind this so i could crop the image where i wanted.

here is the paper layout.

next i used the paper layout to make a computer version of the same layout. i use this computer version to make my stencils for etching.

here is the glass with the stencil in place. i have just finished sandblasting it.

this is the piece finished. well almost i still need to resolve the hanging system, but i hope to have that sorted out by the end of the weekend.

and here is that process again the paper stencil.

the etching stencil before i have sandblasted it.

and the finished piece ready for hanging.

i will have all the work finished this weekend and share it with you shortly.