Friday, December 31, 2010

december update

it has been a busy month. this is what has been happening around here:

tomatoes in the garden

onions out of the garden, a nice crop of 30 or so.

borris is still very into his green smoothies with fresh garden greens.

i made the cutest thing ever.
at work we had a gift exchange for xmas where you had to get/make something to fit into the small cardboard box in the background. i made a tiny whole bowl! so cute!
i think i will make more in the new year.

speaking of cute, borris and i went house sitting, and puppy sitting near the beach.

this cute little darlin' pup is named blue.

i got my australian citizenship last week! hooray!

we had an aussie christmas! such a small tree but lots of pressies

i got 5 kg of cherries that i happily enjoyed all week!

borris was surprised and happy!

and blue enjoyed the wrapping!

and that was december! phew.

happy 2011 to everyone!


Jodi Wells said...

Love the update, Chris!!!!!


Lindsay said...

i love your christmas tree! You guys look happy and wonderful. I have the picture of yous on the fridge and it makes me smile when I walk by:)

andi said...

best couple photo EVER. you guys are HOT!

Julie said...

You two are so good looking together...a match made in heaven!!!