Wednesday, November 3, 2010

progress reoprt

so where am i at with my work for my exhibition? this is the question i seem to get asked a lot recently. i feel very busy and like time is very precious at the moment, so hopefully i am moving along with my stuff, but...

...i am sad to report that i still have not done anything else with my badges. they are sitting here in my house, waiting for the next step, and it is coming - soon.

i have now blown all the lime cylinders that i need and as of the end of this week i will be done slumping them in the kiln. this is what i have so far. they are looking good. this weekend i am hiring an assistant to help me cold work some of them so in the next week or so there will be lots of progress and the aim is for this piece to be done at the end of the month. (fingers crossed please)

this is roughly one third of the sargasso green tiles that i will need in the end. i need to blow about 14 more, and i have about 40 ready to slump and there are roughly 40 in this image here ready for cold working. this will be one of the main pieces in my exhibition and i think it will take quite some time to get it completed.

it looks like i haven't done much with my badges but that is because the next thing i need to do/am doing is drawing. these drawings will be repeated in a few pieces in the exhibitions so it is important i get them right - as a result my sewing table has become a drafting area, the plan is to really make some progress in the next 2 weeks.

stay tuned.

1 comment:

littlebirdbigchip said...

how good is blogging when you are working on an exhibition?! i loved it when i was workin on my show, helped me organise things. i think you are making great progress and super organised as usual. i think i will have to buy a green badge, or maybe a purple, or maybe both i cant decide!