Sunday, November 21, 2010

cold working green tiles

once i had all my green cylinders, blown, and cut and then slumped in the kiln i still had a lot of work to do. each tile then needed to be cut down to the correct size, in this case 15 cm tall by 20 cm wide, and the edges ground flat and the corners rounded off.

now i could have done this all myself and it would have taken forever, because i would have started, then gotten bored and distracted and drawn out the whole process. instead of doing that i decided to hire a friend of mine who is a wiz at cold working. together her and i took on the task of finishing 36 tiles and we did in in about 6 hours, over 2 days, not bad. again has it just been me i would still be working on them.

in fact the cold working happened so quickly that on the second day we worked my friend was able to start on the next lot of tiles for the other piece in my exhibition. this is her cutting the glass tiles i made down to size with a flat glass cutter.

it is always nicer sharing the work load and having someone to chat with as you do the work.

1 comment:

backsplash tiles said...

Nice work! can you post some of your work because I like what you do on the green tiles.