Thursday, August 19, 2010

behind the scenes....

...of every interesting, exciting, fun, refreshing, happening artists life is a very very boring side. the applications for exhibitions and funding.

i have not really been to my studio much lately because i have been busy at home writing and re-writing a funding application for assistance to make work for my next solo exhibition.

but today i can celebrate because as you can see from the image, i have completed my original plus 9 copies of my application and handed them in! hooray!

i must say it is very satisfying to have this wiped off my list of things to do. onto some fun things for a moment before i start stressing out about making stuff for the exhibition.


Jodi Wells said...

Way to go, Chris!!! I understand completely, the weight on shoulders of having work like that to complete and the relief that comes with having it done! Go and enjoy the day!!

Julie said...

That looks like so much work! Gosh, there is so much more to being an artist than meets the eye!!! God luck!