Thursday, June 24, 2010

my first veggie lasagna

i was in my favorite shop the last week Vari's, a great italian grocery store that is run by a family; they still use the old fashioned scales and write it all down on paper and add it up in italian at the end of your order. anyways i was in there getting cheese, and sausage and gnocchi and other yummy food when i saw this package of long tube noodles.

i asked the shop keeper what they are used for and he said that greek people sometimes use them to make a kind of lasagna. you cook them and then layer them in the pan criss-crossing each layer and pouring the sauce over the noodles.

this inspired me to make my very first veggie lasagna using these noodles.

this is my prep for layering it up, tomato sauce, white sauce, mushrooms and onion for one layer, silver beet and garlic for one layer, and capsicum and zucchini fried up for one layer, as well as noodles and heaps of cheese. (my dad once made a lasagna without any cheese and he has never lived this down so never forget the cheese)

this is the first layer of the noodles, not as perfect as i thought but still good.

i called in some help for putting it all together, with borris making a special in the kitchen appearance to help get the layering going.

and voila, the finished product, well before it went into the oven. i never did get an after shot but it was really good looking, nice and brown and crispy on the top and cheesy gooey all the way through. borris and i have been eating it all week, but i think next time i might freeze half of it for a lazy day as i am almost lasagnaed out.


Anonymous said...

YUUUUUM! and so PRETTY! such rich colours. MMMMM x dobbio

Julie said...

Now you are really giving me ideas for different vegies in lasagna!!! The beets sounded like a great addition! How cool was this ??? Awesome!