Friday, May 14, 2010

i need some garden advice please

early last week i hurt my back at work. since then i have had lots of time off work, unfortunately during this time i have had to rest. for anyone who knows me this is not my strong point. i am not good at resting. i want to do stuff. needless to say i am a bit bored, not doing much and thus i have not had anything to blog about.

one thing i have been doing is just looking at my garden. i am not actually gardening - just looking, although i really want to get in there and get out all those weeds. while looking at my garden i have found two things i want your advice on.

the first is all this grass. try as i might to pull it out, roots and all, somehow it just keeps coming back. in this corner it is especially resistant to my efforts. i have onion and garlic planted in this area and a gourd that is being overtaken by grass. this is the kind of grass that sends up big shoots, that seem easy to pull out but in no time flat, as soon as i turn my back, it appears again.

does anyone know how i can get rid of this grass? or am i going to have to accept that when my back is better i have a winter of grass weeding to do?

the second bit of advice i want is: does anyone know what this is? i sprinkled lots of parsley seeds all over my garden, and there is a lot of parsley coming up. this is what i originally thought all of this was but now that is has matured, i have no idea what it is. i have tasted a bit of it but it does not taste strongly of anything. i am thinking it might just be a weed that has now taken over a large area of my garden.

does anyone know what it is? what is the best way to get rid of it and keep it from coming back if it is a weed?

in the next week or two when my back is up to it i will get in there and try and win some ground literally against the weeds, but until then all i can do is watch them take over my vegetable land.

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