Sunday, March 28, 2010

end of march garden update

it has been raining all day and my garden is very happy about that.

for the end of march things are looking pretty good. unfortunately it doesn't look like my tomatoes are going to fruit. i kind of knew this would happen seeing as i planted them so late i the season. next year i hope i can finally get a crop of yummy tomatoes, in fact i might plant out the whole back garden in tomatoes! so i am thinking of taking them out and planting my garlic and onions in their place. Also the cabbage and broccoli i planted are growing but being eaten at the same time. at least something is enjoying them.

i also seem to have a small case of aphids on some plants. if anyone knows how to get rid of them please share your secret. i am going to dedicate an evening this week to wiping each leaf clean of aphids but i think i need to do something more to prevent their return.

last week i did do some planting, basically scattering seeds. I scattered parsley seeds everywhere in the garden and i mean everywhere and it is taking root in many places. i also planted out spinach, carrots, parsnip, kale, and other things i can't even recall now and they all seem to be sprouting too so now i just need to wait patiently and see what they all are.

this is the seedling side of the garden. as i said i have onions and garlic still to plant and my beans and peas are also coming up so soon i will need to built some sort of trellis near the fence line. of and some beetroot to plant too. so much to do and so little space! i am just going to pack it all in and hope for the best. kind of like how i plan my weeks.

life has been crazy busy lately but my hope is after easter life will take on a more relaxed if not just normal busy pace.

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