Friday, July 9, 2010

my succulents

i really like growing food, but i also like growing succulents. they are weird plants that can grow in a variety of situations that are not normally plant friendly, like really rocky, or sandy soil. this little patch of dirt always gets dug up by birds, so the plan is to let the succulents take over so the dirt gets covered, preventing the birds from making a mess.

this is my collection of succulents that i have outside the door to borris' house. they make me smile every morning when i leave for work.

this is my front garden just outside my front door. it is a bit shady but also gets sun and it turns out that succulents really like it here. the plant on the far left, the happy tree was in my back garden when i moved in, in full sun, and looked like it might die any second but now in a pot in the front and it is a very happy happy tree.

this is the collection just outside my front door. the tall scraggly looking one i got a the farmers markets a year ago and it just keeps growing longer and taller. i am not sure what it is. the large grey pot holds my pony tail tree, an absolute favorite of mine.

and finally this is a patch of dirt in between me and my neighbours. the dirt is very sandy and things are growing slowly but it looks much better than when i moved in, and helps keep the dirt in the garden.

and that's it. just another of the little things that make me happy and they don't really take much time at all to care for, especially in winter with all the rain we are getting, the plants are just happy.


Julie said...

Hi. I like your succulent areas!!! The tall scraggly plant you mentioned that you got at the Farmers Market is a Mother In Law's Tongue, or Sansevieria. Do a google search for it to see if I am looking at the correct plant there!

dark cloud said...

hi julie, no the one i was talking about is int eh image below, in the 2 tone green pot that looks like a stick with arms. do you know what that one is?

Lindsay said...

so far away yet the same things make us happy! (I'm baking cookies right now!)
I think your mystery plant is called a milkbush (or finger tree, pencil tree or rubber euphorbia are other names). My houseplant book (a really old readers digest but I bought a current one too and like the old one much better) says as a houseplant it rarely gets over 4-5 feet but in the wild...wherever that is because I can get them here too... they can be over 30ft. "When the plant is young it will have many branched stems carry minute leaves, but these soon disappear, leaving the stems smooth, cylindrical, glossy green and pencil think. Most stand upright producing branches by forking into tow equal size sections at frequent intervals" But my picture shows lots more branches...hmmm. It also says they like full sun and very little water, just enough so that it doesn't dry out and a bit more in the summer time. Your plants are beauuuutiful! I wish i could grow more succulents outside here:(

andi said...

Boss Hog put a boot through my succulent pot at the begining of this summer and now I have only a few scared hen and chick that look like they wish to duck and cover.