Wednesday, July 15, 2009

my winter garden

so i joined a community garden near the house almost two months ago. since then i haven't had to do much. although i do live in the driest city, in the driest state, in the driest continent in the world (or so they tell me) i have not had to water it once. the rain just keeps falling and my garden seems happy. this is a bit of a funny view but i tried to get it all in one shot.

i did some weeding, but actually there wasn't many weeds either. i have been slack (or busy depends how you look at it) and i haven't even had the chance to go to the garden in over two weeks. i thought there would have been more weeds.

but there was these lovely beautiful little radishes! i was suppose to thin out the seedlings but when i saw the adorable little radishes i could not bring myself to rip them out of the group so early. perhaps in another couple of weeks i can harvest some of them early and enjoy them and let the remaining ones come to full grown size.

and here is the section of my garden that has in the first three rows my small but healthy beetroot plants. and behind them some herbs and then the rows at the back are my spinach! i can't wait for things to get bigger. i did harvest some lettuce leaves and had a nice salad as part of dinner. yum!


rah! said...

it looks great!!!!

those radishes are so cute! earrings!

i must get into a bit more weeding i think....though we are eating nice salads, so it's a start!

Marcia said...

I'm inspired, between your garden and seeing Andi's a couple of weeks ago! We are thinking of adding some raised vegetable bed in the back yard this fall, so that they are ready to go for spring. This project added to the already overwhelming list to get done before fall.

I'm envious that you have two seasons of growing, although I probably couldn't keep up with it if we had that here!