Wednesday, June 10, 2009

at home sick but dreaming of gardening

i am at home sick, my head feels like it should explode and really i wish it would because then i might feel better. so seeing as i am at home sick from work blogging is something i can do from the sofa.

i haven't done much in the last few days in regards to making so i thought i would put up a photo from the other week of me at my new garden plot. it is just around the corner from me and is in a community garden. there are about 30 garden plots in total.

i have planted out kale, lettuce, peas, broad beans, beetroot, spring onion, onions, chives, dill, celery parsley, parsley, radish, rocket, cauliflower, broccoli, purple cabbage, celery, a globe artichoke garlic, an asian variety of ginger i forget the name of, some calendula, monkey flowers and a few other flower varieties. i ran out of room but also want to grow potatoes, carrot, kohlarabi. its exciting having year round growing possibilities.

i still need to mulch around the small plants and luckily it has been raining so no need to water right now. until i am feeling better though it is just me and the gardening books from the library.

1 comment:

rah! said...

yay! I'm glad to see some photos up of the plot, in a couple of weeks it'll be a mass of green - yummy!

Hope you're kicking that cold, but everyone at the jam seems sick.

get better so we can do that icecream date!