Wednesday, August 5, 2015


tonight there is an opening at the wheatie pub for the annual gate 8 workshop south australian living artists exhibition. this is the annual show that our studio has at our favourite pub each year. 

the idea of the show is that we each pulled a name of one of the artists in our studio out of a hat.

then we had the challenge to make a piece that is influenced, or is in the style of that persons work.

i got deb, so i started brainstorming on MDF with tape about what i might do.

i decided on using some balsa wood, and spray paint, and made a piece called 2D3D.

 the exhibition was installed the other day. and funnily enough i think the 6 pieces sit pretty well together. strange since the work is so different and we all made work that wasn't our own.

the names of the artists for the show have been combined too, on the left we have  Jesra Loha and on the right Debka Jeene

left is Katloz Fresimo and on the right is Cheb Chones (the C is silent)

on the left is Loje Simlou and on the right is Racch Hach

here is the overall look of the show installed at the pub. should be a good opening tonight.

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