Monday, May 3, 2010

may! my birthday month!

i had a fun sewing and hanging out day with my very good friend FSF on the weekend. we pinned together my quilt, spoke about design, what sewing projects we have on the go as well as what clothing we think we need to make. it was really good.

we also had a lovely meaty lunch (at home i am a vego) of steak sandwiches, and hung out with xi her cute little boy. anyways as we were talking while making lunch i was going on about how at a friend's place recently i saw some measuring cups that were like those stacking russian dolls, and that i thought they were so cool, and that i wanted them.

well to my surprise out of nowhere FSF pulls out these exact things. turns out she had bought them 2 months ago while traveling for my birthday pressie and she had been trying her best not to give them to me early. but when i was talking about how i wanted a set and might get them she couldn't let me go any further without giving me the pressie right away.

and i love them! my first birthday pressie for may.

this is the box they came in. the top of the large one is 1 cup, the bottom part 3/4 cup, the top of the middle one is 2/3 cup, the bottom of the middle is 1/2 cup and the top of the little one is 1/3 cup and the bottom of the little one is 1/4 cup.

this is what they look like out of the box. so lovely.

this is the action shot. i really can't wait to use these.

and my second pressie for may i bought for myself the other day. i had to go to do some errands and some how found myself in a book shop in the cookbook aisle. always dangerous. borris and i have been cooking for the last year out a vego cook book and i decided we needed another one for some new inspiration and changes to our some-what routine recipes.

i am really excited about this book, i am not a true vegetarian, as my steak lunch proves, but i do enjoy cooking and i am happy to cook and eat vegetarian almost all of the time. borris is vego. but i do find i need inspiration to keep me from making just pastas and beans.

i can't wait to start cooking!


Lindsay said...

I love them! Super cute AND functional:)

Little Bird, Big Chip said...

aw damnit! i was going to get those for you for your birthday! no joke i was going to buy them this week!