Sunday, May 30, 2010

another artist in the family

it was my birthday the other week, and one of my pressie's was the water colour painting on the left - the iris. my mom painted it for me. the thistles on the right she painted for me and gave me in 2005. only today did i finally get around to framing both of them. they will soon be hanging on my wall in the kitchen so i can think of my mom when i see them.

they are nice paintings, and i think you can see a difference in the paintings; the improvement that comes with practice and time.

so me a glassblower, brother a graphic designer and musician, dad fisherman and handyman extraordinaire and my mom the water colour painter. what a talented bunch we are!


Lindsay said...

Your telling me! Being with you guys not only made me miss you but also your family...if you guys are reading this I miss you!!!

rah! said...

I've just gotten a look.

Now I need to get my frames up.........!