Friday, April 16, 2010

colourful food

last weekend inspired by the beetroot risotto i decided to make myself some fresh pasta. i had bought a large bunch of fresh basil and made some very garlicky pesto. i wanted to have more colour in the meal so i decided to make my pasta red. red and green go together so well.

to make red pasta i mixed up my recipe for spelt pasta as normal but added in some tomato paste as well. this resulted in me needing to add a tiny bit more flour but then the dough was perfect, ready to rest.

then i got out my pasta press machine and rolled out the dough. this is my favorite part, and i am getting better at it.

into the hot boiling water fora few minutes, fresh pasta takes no time at all to cook.

served up with the best batch of pesto i have ever made. i am not sure why this round of pesto was so good but as i ate this meal it was extremely satisfying, to feed me and to know i had made it all, and it worked out beautifully.


n_cholewa said...

If there are any leftovers send them over. It looks yummy!

Marcia said...

This looks so good! It's really making me want my own pasta maker. Wish I could join you.

Michelle Kelly said...

that looks so good i cant wait for you to make that for me....

andi said...

I'm going to try that resting stage next time. My recipe just calls for the dough to rest as a ball before you roll it. As a result I have to make noodles like the devil is after me or I risk having the works turn into one big, horrible lump of noodle.