Thursday, May 14, 2009

the challenege

i am not sure if i ever really explained it on my blog and to tell you the truth i don't actually remember when i decided to do the challenge. the challenge i have set out for myself is to make cups for a year.

i think it started because i didn't know what to make, i was in a slump. yet as part of my pay at my work is one four hour glassblowing session per week. i wasn't using this and decided i needed to or i would surely regret this when i no longer have this job. so i decided to start learning how to make different canes. as a result i would need to do something with the canes. the easiest and funnest thing to make in my opinion with canes are cane tumblers or cups.

so since about march i have been making canes and cups each week. i am loving it. and it seems that now when people ask me what i am making i explain my project of making cups. then someone asked me why i was doing it and i said it was my goal to make cups for one year.

here are last week's cups.

and this one too.

i have always liked the idea of time based projects and have been wanting to think of a great one for myself. as it turns out i kind of stumbled across this one and i am really excited about it. i look forward to looking back in a year at all my cups, seeing the progress and seeing where it leads me.

i read the blog take a ball of thread and think it is great. the project here isn't time based but it certainly is contained by the material used. i recently saw the exhibition of some of the works and they are so lovely.

making a collection of cups is not foreign to me, when i did a residency in the UK for 3 months during my stay i made a cup a day and each cup had a drawing on it for that day. it was a visual diary of my stay.

so who knows where this project will take me, but i am certainly enjoying myself, making for no other purpose than the want to make and the pleasure of it.

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